Time to pack and go home. My suitcase contains some new (old) (used) garments.
A Groucho vintage dress and a Côtélac find at Rebelote were my last acquisitions. I look forward to wearing them in Paris this fall, as the nomadic prof keeps traveling.
Meanwhile, Clara sends me a link to a young woman's Quebec blog, alagarconniere.wordpress.com, that is well worth reading, a younger version of me, an older version of Clara?
She will provide the bridge between the old world and the new.
I love her headline: knowledge, power and “feminist” fashion blogs...
Let's face it, young women pull off the vintage look better than the older crowd. Of course, that's absurd. Older women wear their old clothes just fine. It's all the same in the end. Wear what you want, so long as it feels right.