Sunday, November 12, 2017

Velvet is back

The Pink Alligator had this dress, in velvet by Theory (as opposed to in theory by Velvet). (Brand names these days can be so pretentious, especially the one word, one syllable concept, "Toast" being the latest to embed itself in my Facebook stream). 

Meanwhile, I discover the timer on my iPhone photo app. Not a big discovery I'm sure. But it was fun dancing to AltJ and snapping away in the new dress before heading out to a dinner at a restaurant elegant enough for the coming out of this new acquisition. 

I'm glad that velvet is back. The fabric is warm, comforting and elegant. It befits the holidays or the holidays befit it. As the light becomes fragile and less abundant, as we descend into cold harsh darkness, velvet soothes and helps to overcome the dreariness of the season. It evokes Mick Jagger in the 70s, heck any and all rock stars in the 70s. 

I enjoyed this post from Esquire that also found its way into my Facebook feed. Some of the fashions were amazing and remain timeless. 

I found my velvet piece in a local consignment shop. Etsy is always a great online source. Here is a lovely velvet dress that comes with a matching coat.