Sunday, January 21, 2018

Bourgeois(e) in NYC

 I begin my January visit to NYC with text, first, a book I saw in the MOMA bookstore, with many wonderful archival photos of college women at all women's colleges. Have added that one to the Amazon wish list. On the right, the pretentious -- at least I thought it was pretentious -- explanation accompanying the rather uninteresting -- I found it uninteresting -- exhibit at MOMA asking the question "Is Fashion Modern?" Fashion is difficult to display in a museum. I find that it looks best in dark rooms. The only piece that had me intrigued was

this one. 
I want to make this with different elements. It seems fairly straightforward. Perfect for recycling all kinds of materials. 
 While waiting for my daughter Clara, I observed the crowd from one of the staircases. My eye was drawn to a very nicely dressed woman, tall, elegant, perhaps yes, bourgeoise. It's too easy to make that pun, when the show we were visiting was the Louise Bourgeois retrospective. (I came up with another bad pun joke: she had three sons. What do you call her sons when they were small? "Petits Bourgeois." Haha. )

 I was pleased to see that Clara was wearing the necklace I had given her for Christmas. But it looks really nice on her! (all her clothes are used, by the way. I must ask her the origin of that animal shirt, it's amazing!).

 More bourgeoises at the Bourgeois retrospective.

I was also intrigued by the printer in Hinsdale, New Hampshire. Her prints are enormous, and I wonder why she chose one in New Hampshire. I must look them up to see if they're still around.
 The note taker in front of one of Bourgeois's late enormous prints.

LB recycled old fabric and added her own painting and stitching. 

And a discovery in Williamsburg to end with: Junk on Driggs Avenue.