What is real? Do we search for the authentic in these vintage stores? Does the label tell the truth about its origins?
Rather than go off on a metaphysical musing, I will simply recommend another blog I stumbled across via the beautiful Sally Jane Vintage blog. Within the comments on Sally Jane's Camden Market post, I found this link: http://www.rosaspinavintage.com/
I especially liked this photo:

Meanwhile Sally Jane's high waisted shorts
http://sallyjanevintage.blogspot.com/ remind me of this vision of a young woman my husband and I crossed during our hike in the Pyrenees.
She was wearing beige high waisted shorts, a short waisted cashmere sweater and a 1920s flapper style hat. I thought she was the coolest, most elegant hiker I had ever seen. Unfortunately, I don't have a photo of her. Just the memory.
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