April 1st. April Fool's Day. Spring and winter duking it out. That means coats. I noticed in the uniformity of puffy blackness, some colorful wool coats in Seattle and New York, where I traveled recently. But alas, no photos. Just this coat found in a real vintage store in Tacoma, Washington, a city that itself looks like time stood still, with its 1930s and 40s era buildings left intact, giving visitors a pretty accurate idea of what an American city used to look like well before a Starbucks at every corner (come to think of it, down the highway from its birthplace in Seattle, where they have spawned like rabbits at Easter, there isn't one). I left the coat on its rack, where I thought it looked just fine.
New acquisitions, not including, still, no photo, my newest bad ass black leather coat with a rip in it, acquired at a relatively new thrift store in White River Junction, Vt, around the corner from Revolution. I do, however, have a photo of a (real?) suede coat that I bought at Beacon's Closet on 13th Street in NYC, right after seeing Isabelle Huppert in her latest (mediocre) film at the Quad, in which she looked fantastic in a greenish suede coat.
I could use some lipstick, I know, but even then I can't compete with the captivating face of la Huppert.
Dress from consignment store in Brattleboro, Vt; linen jacket, from Lyon, France consignment store; waiting for the spring, ready with an outfit
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