This Halloween I finally found the courage to dress up, not once but twice. First there was the pantsuit that I had purchased on eBay before the 2016 election and that I had decided not to wear because I had some foreboding that the election would go the wrong way. Anyway. It did -- the election -- and the pantsuit hung in my closet until this year. I thought it could become a costume referencing someone else besides Hillary of whom I wasn't even a fan in the first place (Bernie, on the other hand...). So slowly I accumulated the accessories that would make a good David Bowie costume: patent leather boots from "The Second Time Around" on Houston Street in NYC, and a patterned silk blouse from J.Crew via the Pink Alligator in Hanover NH. Meanwhile, another garment was hanging in my closet unworn, a long Girbaud dress hand me down from my mother. The Colette (author) biopic came out in the fall of 2018. So, the weekend before Halloween, I wore the suit (more Warhol than Bowie once the wig was on), and Halloween evening I channeled Colette, more Claudine than the author, but oh well.

This moment is fraught with disgusting prejudice, language, actions, behaviors modeled by our evil politicians (Hell has come to the surface of the earth), so I decided to change my FB profile pic to :
With my daughter, who ended up wearing the patent leather booties; I'm channeling Bowie/Warhol, another era in an I.Magnin suit made in Italy.
This coming Tuesday, Americans will vote again. I can only hope that the elected assholes will be departing, and sane, civil people will replace them. Loads of women are running, minorities, even a Somalian refugee who has a beautiful voice. We must resist. We must vote. We must vote these awful people out of office. I am in disguise, I am hiding behind other personae in order to fantasize, briefly, another era where progress was considered a good thing. Colette, Bowie, Warhol and gender bending, fluidity of identity, freedom to be whom you want to be, except, perhaps, a horrible person who hurts or even kills other people and mother earth.
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